To begin anew is a delicate task. So much is at stake, what with your entire reputation being on the line. But to deny the task and never try anything new would be much more of a disservice. So here it goes, a crisp beginning to what will hopefully be a very long, and successful blog.
Perhaps the best, and most obvious, place to start would be with an introduction of myself. Sure the whole anonymous writer thing is fun, but at this point it's a bit played out and for the purposes of this blog, it doesn’t really make sense (namely because the title of the blog and the url both cite my name). My name is Tenley, or Tenley Nadine Sablatzky if you're into formalities. I am twenty-two years old, a recent culinary school graduate, a newly employed cruise ship cook, a writer (obviously), a reader and all together, a nerd.
As far as what this blog will become as far as content goes, I have no idea. My hope is to use it as a reason to write regularly. Fellow writers will understand when I say that with distractions such as the internet it becomes increasingly difficult to find time to write. Nevertheless, I do enjoy writing, and I whole-heartedly believe it an excellent way to explore emotions and learn from your own musings. That being said, I have no idea the frequency of which I’ll be blogging, as often as I can is all I can promise.
Content, as I already mentioned, is completely up in the air. My blogs could be anything from a personal adventure/experience I have (since I’m about to head to Hawaii on cruise ship I suspect I’ll be having loads of them), or strongly worded rant about an issue or cause I feel passionately about, short stories, recipes, or possibly just me geeking out about one of my many nerdy interests.
Whatever this happens to be, for however long it happens to be, I hope it provides at the very least light entertainment for one person. What more can I really ask for.